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KevinMD Feature: The truth about reproductive planning and how to navigate society’s expectations

Friendly doctor showing ultrasound picture to young couple

Judging a book by its cover is easy. I just did it. There was a title at my library last week, So When Are You Having Kids?, and I judged it. That’s a loaded question: Am I even able to have kids? Do I want kids? If I do, when is a good time, personally or professionally? Who could ever be ready? Yet, how many times a day do I ask it, whether directly or in a circumvallate way? As a private practice obstetrician-gynecologist, my day is filled with family planning, the will-theys-won’t-theys-can-theys-should-theys.

When you come to me to consider reproductive goals and discuss your ideal, I smile outwardly at you. Inwardly, I sigh. What your right time is different than what society might say. Luckily, everyone has an opinion. And I run through the what-if’s without letting you see my worries.

Click to read the full article written by Dr. Yuliya Malayev for