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What Can a Lactation Support Specialist Help With?

Lactation support specialists can help you with everything related to breastfeeding. Anyone can seek support from a lactation specialist, whether you’ve had a baby and breastfed previously or are a first-time parent.

Some parents struggle with getting their baby enough milk while others may be experiencing conditions like:

  • Breast engorgement
  • Plugged ducts or breast infections
  • Sore, cracked, or painful nipples

A lactation support specialist can make breastfeeding a more pleasant experience for you and your baby by addressing issues that can make it uncomfortable. These solutions can make your breastfeeding experience more rewarding and successful, which in turn helps your baby grow and develop.

What Can I Learn From a Lactation Specialist?

You can learn a lot from your lactation specialist. The knowledge you gain can help make breastfeeding a little easier, and you’ll better understand your baby’s needs. Some of the things you can learn include:

  • Recognizing when your baby is hungry
  • How to create a feeding schedule
  • How to use a breast pump
  • Tracking if your baby is gaining weight
  • Healthy eating while breastfeeding

If you’re returning to work while your baby is still breastfeeding, your provider can help you learn to pump at work and store milk so it’s ready for your baby while you’re away. This can include noting the date and time you pumped the milk, how to attach your breast pump properly, and how to transition back into the office.

Your provider is here to offer support and encouragement wherever you are on your breastfeeding journey.

What to Expect From a Lactation Appointment

During a lactation support appointment, you’ll discuss your breastfeeding goals and put together a plan to address them. Some lactation consultations typically take place within a few days of giving birth; however, you can contact your provider whenever you have questions or require extra support.

Your provider will review your health history, pregnancy, delivery, and baby’s health as a baseline to understand potential lactation issues. Bring your baby to the appointment and show your consultant how you usually breastfeed. They’ll observe how your baby latches, drinks, breathes, and swallows, so they can give you suggestions on how to breastfeed more comfortably and more effectively.

We understand breastfeeding can feel vulnerable. Our offices and providers are here to make you feel comfortable. If you have specific lactation questions or issues, let your provider know.

Ask Your Provider About Lactation Support

Your provider at UWH of Michigan can help you with any lactation issues you may be having. We aim to support you as you adjust to life with your new baby. Schedule a lactation support appointment today.